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Exclusive for Selected Citigold® Private Client and Citigold® customers:
Up to 10% rebate on Eligible Citibank Global Wallet
foreign currency spending

Want to make the most of your trips and online shopping?
Use Citibank Debit Mastercard® and enjoy up to HK$1,900 cash rebate with
eligible Citibank Global Wallet foreign currency spendings!
Register via “Get More” in Citi Mobile® App and activate your Citibank Global Wallet before spending.

Promotion Period: From January 1, 2025 until March 31, 2025

For Each
Eligible Spending
Rebate % Rebate Cap Maximum Cash
Rebate Amount
HK$1,000 or above 10% HK$1,000 HK$1,900
HK$600 or above –
Below HK$1,000
6% HK$600
Below HK$600 3% HK$300


1. Terms and Conditions apply.

2. Citibank Global Wallet has to be activated before spending.

3. Quotas apply on a first-come-first-served basis.

4. FX trading involves risks, rates may go up or down.

Do not have a Citibank Debit Mastercard® yet?
Contact us at 2860 0333 to apply now!

Stay tuned for more upcoming rewards!

Citibank Global Wallet Features

Available to all Citi clients with Citibank Debit Mastercard® or Citibank Cirrus® ATM Card:

12 currencies you can hold and transact in, and we will switch to the right currency for you:

  • HKD


  • AUD

  • CAD

  • CHF

  • EUR

  • GBP

  • JPY

  • NZD

  • RMB

  • SGD

  • THB

  • USD


FX Spread

Enjoy the Bank's Cost Price

for all FX transactions within first 6 months of account

Learn more

FX Handling Fee

1.95% fee waived

overseas / online spending in foreign currencies with Citibank Global Wallet

Learn more

Overseas ATM
Cash Withdrawal

$0 Citi Fee*

for foreign currencies withdrawals at overseas Citi or Mastercard network ATMs

Learn more
How to “save & earn” with
Citibank Global Wallet?

1. Activate Citibank Global Wallet

Activate once and it will connect to your foreign currency accounts directly.
See how to activate
The service will also select the corresponding currency when you spend,
Meaning you don’t have to amend the setting every time.

2. Lock in your preferred FX rates

Before your withdrawal or spending, prepare sufficient foreign currencies at your preferred FX rates with Citi Mobile® App or Citibank Online!

Exchange foreign currencies at your preferred rates via spot trade in Citi Mobile® App or Citibank Online 24/7, or pre-set your targeted rates and let us handle the rest for you.

See how to exchange at your targeted rate?


Enjoy the Bank's Cost Price for FX transactions
  • New clients: From now till July 31, 2025, new clients can enjoy the Bank’s Cost Price for all foreign exchange transactions within the first 6 calendar months from account opening, via Citi Mobile® App or Citibank Online FX Trading Platform. Terms and Conditions apply. Click here
  • FX trading involves risks and rates may go up or down.

3. We don’t charge when you spend

You can withdraw and pay with the exchanged foreign currencies from your account directly while you are at overseas or shop online. Easy and convenient!

Overseas ATM Cash Withdrawal*

Withdraw foreign currencies at any overseas Citi or Mastercard network ATMs


charge by Citi
  • Mastercard network ATMs include Mastercard, Cirrus® , Maestro® . If customer withdraws cash at overseas Mastercard network ATM, a surcharge may be levied by the overseas ATM operator.
  • * Remember to activate both “Citibank Global Wallet” & “Overseas ATM Withdrawal Service” beforehand


Overseas spending and online purchases

You spend on your Citibank Debit Mastercard with Citibank Global Wallet, we waive the 1.95% foreign exchange handling fee - so you can save more as you shop more!

Note: Please ensure you have selected a foreign currency which is supported by Citibank Global Wallet as payment currency before your overseas or online transactions, so that the transactions will debit from your corresponding foreign currency accordingly.

Activate Now

Can’t wait to shop with Citibank Global Wallet?
Follow these 5 easy steps to activate the services and enjoy the fee-free overseas spending now.

You can adjust your Daily/Monthly Spending Limit to control your expense in just few taps! Please refer to step 5 for details.

Get your
Debit Mastercard
Global Wallet
Foreign Currency
Turn On
Overseas ATM Withdrawal Service
Contactless Payment
and Card-not-present transaction
Get your Debit Mastercard Ready
Activate Citibank Global Wallet
Prepare Sufficient Foreign Currency
Turn On Overseas ATM Withdrawal Service
Enable Contactless Payment and Card-not-present transaction

Frequently Asked Questions

Citibank Global Wallet
Transactions and Withdrawals
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Who can use Citibank Global Wallet?

As long as you are an individual customer holding Citibank Debit Mastercard or Citibank Cirrus® ATM Card, you’re eligible to use Citibank Global Wallet, no matter you’re a customer of Citigold Private Client, Citigold, Citi Priority or Citibanking.

I’m a Citibank ATM cardholder. May I access all available functions of Citibank Global Wallet?

You can only make overseas ATM cash withdrawal through Citibank Global Wallet. If you also want to make overseas spending transactions through Citibank Global Wallet, apply for a debit card now.

Which foreign currency accounts can be linked to Citibank Global Wallet?

You can link your Currency Manager to Citibank Global Wallet. If you have more than one Currency Manager, please pick one during enrolment. Once you turn on Citibank Global Wallet, all Call Deposit in the linked Currency Manager will be enrolled for Citibank Global Wallet.

What should I do if I want to switch to another Currency Manager?

You may visit "Citibank Global Wallet" in "Profile & Settings" to turn off Citibank Global Wallet and then turn it back on. You’ll be given another chance to select one of the Currency Managers.

How can I add new foreign currency to Citibank Global Wallet?

Very simple! Just tap “+” under “Citibank Global Wallet”, select a currency, and then a zero-balance Call Deposit of the currency you pick will be created and added to Citibank Global Wallet. You can exchange the foreign currency whenever you find the rates favorable.

Should I buy foreign currencies only after turning on Citibank Global Wallet?

You may buy foreign currencies even before turning on Citibank Global Wallet. The service enrolment doesn’t necessarily precede currency exchange.

Do I need to turn off Citibank Global Wallet after traveling?

You don’t need to turn off Citibank Global Wallet after traveling. When you spend or withdraw Hong Kong Dollar, the default Hong Kong Dollar account will be debited even though Citibank Global Wallet is enabled.

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Do I need to manually select the foreign currency Call Deposit each time when I transact in a different currency?

No, your debit or ATM card will automatically choose the right currency for you by matching the currency of the transaction or the withdrawal against the currency of the Call Deposit. You don’t need to switch between Call Deposit of different currencies manually.

What happens if I have turned on Citibank Global Wallet and there are insufficient funds in my Call Deposit when making an overseas spending transaction or ATM cash withdrawal?

The transaction or withdrawal will be declined if you have insufficient funds. You can buy foreign currencies via the Citi Mobile® App immediately and make the transaction or withdrawal again. Remember to prepare sufficient funds in your Call Deposit before traveling or shopping!

What happens if my Currency Manager and/or the relevant Call Deposit are blocked at the time of transaction or withdrawal?

The transaction or withdrawal will be declined. Please contact us for details. In case of emergency, you may visit “Citibank Global Wallet” in “Profile & Settings” to turn off Citibank Global Wallet to switch back to the default Hong Kong Dollar account to proceed the transaction or withdrawal (but handling fee and/or conversion spread, as stipulated in the service fee booklet from time to time, shall apply).

What happens if I transact in or withdraw a foreign currency that Citibank Global Wallet doesn’t support?

Your default Hong Kong Dollar account will be debited. Handling fee and/or conversion spread, as stipulated in the service fee booklet from time to time, shall apply.

If the overseas merchant or ATM gives me the option of settling the transaction or withdrawal in foreign currency or Hong Kong Dollar, which option should I pick?

If you want to complete the transaction or withdrawal through Citibank Global Wallet, you should choose to settle in foreign currency. If you choose to settle in Hong Kong Dollar, the merchant or ATM operator will use its exchange rate to convert the foreign currency transaction or withdrawal to Hong Kong Dollar, your default Hong Kong Dollar account will be debited. You won’t be able to use Citibank Global Wallet for such Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).

How do I identify whether it is a cash withdrawal or transaction of Dynamic Currency Exchange (DCC) and what should I do?

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) can occur when withdrawing cash overseas, making online or overseas transaction. If an exchange rate shows up or offers an option to convert HKD to foreign currency or settles in Hong Kong dollars, such kind of cash withdrawal or transaction belongs to DCC. It is recommended to decline this kind of cash withdrawal or transaction to avoid DCC and attempt to settle in foreign currency. Citibank Global Wallet does not support DCC.

Which account should I select on the overseas ATM’s screen during an overseas cash withdrawal?

Some overseas ATMs may give you the option of choosing which account to withdraw cash from. On such screen, no matter you select default account, savings account, or checking/currency account, the Call Deposit of the withdrawal currency from the Currency Manager linked to Citibank Global Wallet will be debited.

How will the refund of an overseas spending transaction be handled?

When processing the refund, we’ll endeavor to credit the refund (together with any handling fee previously charged) to the Call Deposit debited for the original transaction if the refund was made by the merchant using the same trace number and/or authorization code of the original transaction so that we’re able to trace the original Call Deposit. If, however for any reason, we’re unable to trace the original Call Deposit, the refund (excluding any handling fee previously charged) will be credited to the Call Deposit of the refund currency (which may be different from the currency of the original Call Deposit), or (if Citibank Global Wallet is turned off or unavailable at the time of refund processing) be credited to the default Hong Kong Dollar account (in which event currency conversion will be involved and you may suffer loss as a result).

Which ATM should I use to withdraw cash overseas?

You may withdraw cash at any overseas Citibank or overseas Mastercard network ATM no matter you’re holding the Citibank Debit Mastercard or Citibank Cirrus® ATM Card. Mastercard network includes Mastercard, Cirrus and Maestro.

How do I find the overseas Citibank or overseas Mastercard network ATMs?

You may visit to search for the location of overseas Citibank ATMs.
You may click here to search for the location of overseas Mastercard Network ATMs.

Is it really free for overseas spending transactions or ATM cash withdrawals made through Citibank Global Wallet?

Citi does not charge any handling fee for overseas spending transactions or ATM cash withdrawals made through Citibank Global Wallet. However, some overseas ATM operators may levy a surcharge in which your relevant Call Deposit will be debited to settle the surcharge.

Is there a transaction limit for overseas spending transactions made through Citibank Global Wallet?

Overseas and local spending transactions share the same set of transaction limits, including the point-of-sale transaction limit and the online purchase limit. You may visit “Manage ATM/Debit Card Limit” in “Profile & Settings” to check and change the limits anytime you want.

If I plan to withdraw cash overseas, do I still need to activate the overseas ATM cash withdrawal service after turning on Citibank Global Wallet?

You still need to activate the overseas ATM cash withdrawal service. View the steps here.

How can I check the transactions or withdrawals made through Citibank Global Wallet?

You can easily keep track of all your transactions or withdrawals performed by accessing the Citi Mobile® App or Citibank Online, or viewing your monthly statement. In general, the transaction records of overseas ATM cash withdrawals are shown online by 11:59pm on the next business day.

Are overseas spending transactions made through Citibank Global Wallet eligible for the existing Debit Card Cash Rebate Program as stipulated on the bank’s website?

Although the transactions are not eligible for the existing Debit Card Cash Rebate Program, we may launch promotional offers from time to time to help you get the most out of Citibank Global Wallet. Stay tuned for our update!

Can I use Citibank Global Wallet when paying with Apple Pay or Samsung Pay?

Of course! Just add your debit card to your Apple or Samsung devices and make foreign currency transactions. You can then pay directly from your foreign currency accounts. Remember to turn on the online purchase function via Citi Mobile® App if you want to make online or in-app transactions.
