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Wealth Solutions

Whether your wealth management objectives focus on growth, protection or a mix of both,
our comprehensive suite of world-class products offers solutions to fit.

Wealth Management

Unique Product Selections for Professional Investors*
  • Linked to comprehensive choices of underlying investments, such as HK and US equities, funds, indices, commodities and more. You can also enjoy leveraged returns on HK or US equities by investing in some structured products
  • They can be tailor-made to suit different investment views, allowing you to enjoy capital gains or yield enhancement from upward, sideways or downward pricing movement of the asset class, and to diversify your portfolio risks
  • An extensive range of mutual funds from prestigious fund providers that enables investors to diversify across various asset classes, regions and currencies
  • A wide selection of high yield bonds issued by reputable companies and corporations worldwide
  • Exclusive access to bonds issued in the primary market

*The definition of "Professional Investor" comes under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the "SFO") which is the legislation in Hong Kong governing, amongst other things, the securities and futures industry. Please contact your Banker for further enquiries about Professional Investor status.

Liquidity management

We fulfill your short term financial goals by helping you make the most of movements in world capital and currency markets.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

  • Wide selection of investment products used as collaterals including bond, mutual funds, structured products and equities
  • Additional liquidity for general use
  • Overdraft and Term Loan (with tenor of 1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 months) are available for selection
  • No handling charge and annual fee

Click here for Key Facts Statements of Portfolio Power - Overdraft

Click here for latest Risk Disclosure for Portfolio Financing services

Important Disclaimer:

Portfolio Power (the "Facility") is a general purpose credit facility. The credit limit of the Facility is determined with reference to the aggregate margin value of the eligible deposits in the Currency Manager and/or the aggregate margin value of the eligible investment products and may be revised by the Bank from time to time. If the Security Margin is not complied with, customers may be required to restore the Security Margin by either depositing with the Bank additional sums and/or securities acceptable to the Bank, or repaying part of the total amount outstanding. If customer fails to bring in additional funds and/or securities, the Bank has the discretion to apply any eligible deposits, realize all or any part of the pledged investment products or terminate the Premium Account before its maturity date for settling all or any part of the amount then outstanding under the Facility without notice. The losses may be substantial as a result of such redemption of investment products or early termination of Premium Account and customers will remain liable for any resulting deficit in their accounts.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The grant of Portfolio Power is subject to the approval of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ("the Bank") and terms and conditions.
  2. Investments are not bank deposits and are not protected under any deposit protection scheme or authority.
  3. Acceptance of deposits and investments as collaterals is subject to the approval of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited.
  4. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited reserves the right of final decision upon disputes.
  5. Not eligible for U.S. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions.
  6. The facility is subject to our annual review whereupon we will re-assess based on our annual review criteria (as determined by us from time to time) which may include, but are not limited to: your (a) credit history, (b) bankruptcy check, (c) net worth and (d) customer segment (Citigold or Citigold Private Client). You may be required to provide additional information or documentary proof upon request. We may renew the Facility (with the same of different Facility Limit and on the same or different terms) or terminate the Facility.
  7. The bank reserves the rights to liquidate any or all of the eligible deposit or collateral held with the bank and/or set off any credit balance in any of your accounts (or your joint accounts with other person(s)) against any outstanding balances and terminate Portfolio Power services.
  • Wide selection of investment products used as collaterals including bond, mutual funds, structured products and equities
  • Offer leverage of up to 5.61 times of your initial funds with us
  • Provide additional capital of up to 90% of your initial investment holdings with us
  • Additional capital can be used for the reinvestment of bond, mutual funds and structured products
  • Enable you to enjoy interest differentials by profiting from high-interest investments3 using money obtained from low-interest loans4 (as low as 1.38% p.a.5)
  • Offer hassle free repayment that you will only need to repay the monthly calculated interest every 3 months
  • Let you enjoy same-day loan disbursal. Upon successful account opening, your loan application will normally be processed and disbursed within the same business day6

Click here for Key Facts Statements of Investment Plus

Click here for latest Risk Disclosure for Portfolio Financing services

  1. Depending on individual investment products (e.g. mutual fund , bonds, structured products and eligible deposits) being purchased. 5.6 times is an example of pledging US Corporate Bond.
  2. Depending on individual collateral used.
  3. Additional investment(s) will be subject to investors' own investment objectives and risk profile.
  4. Loan interest rates will be subject to prevailing market interest rates and may be subject to change from time to time.
  5. 1.38% p.a. interest rate is referenced to "Investment Plus" USD term loan as of April 29, 2015. Interest rate(s) is/are for reference only and is/are not guaranteed. The actual interest rate(s) will be dependent on loan currency and loan drawdown date and may be subject to change from time to time.
  6. Customers are requested to submit their loan application before 3:00p.m. Same-day loan disbursal will normally be subject to the cut off time of the respective investment product(s).
  7. Loan Interest Rate will be adjusted monthly in accordance with the prevailing 1-month HIBOR / LIBOR.
  8. Interest will be charged on a quarterly basis.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. This material is for information purpose only and does not intend to constitute any offer or solicitation or advice to buy or sell any investment products. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in "Investment Plus" unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
  2. Investments are not bank deposits and are not protected under any deposit protection scheme or authority.
  3. Investors should have sufficient net worth to be able to assume the risks and bear the potential losses of investing in "Investment Plus".
  4. Leveraged transactions carry high degree of risks. Investors may therefore wish to seek independent advice before making a commitment to enter into a position of "Investment Plus". In the event that investors choose not to seek independent advice, you should carefully consider whether "Investment Plus" is suitable in the light of your own investment objectives, financial position and risk profile. For more information on the collateralized investment products, investors should also carefully read the relevant terms and conditions.
  5. Investors should not rely on the content of this material / website alone to make investment decisions. You should also read other relevant documents for details including the risk factors. If you have any inquiries, please seek independent professional advice prior to subscription.
  6. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  7. Investors' investments are subject to the insolvency and credit risk of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"). There is no assurance of protection against a default by the Bank in respect of payment obligation. In case of insolvency of the Bank, you may lose your entire investment irrespective of the performance of the market or segment invested and the terms of the investment.
  8. Investment products are not available for US persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdiction.
  9. The facility is subject to our annual review whereupon we will re-assess based on our annual review criteria (as determined by us from time to time) which may include, but are not limited to: your (a) credit history, (b) bankruptcy check, (c) net worth and (d) customer segment (Citigold or Citigold Private Client). You may be required to provide additional information or documentary proof upon request. We may renew the Facility (with the same of different Facility Limit and on the same or different terms) or terminate the Facility.
  10. The bank reserves the rights to liquidate any or all of the eligible deposit or collateral held with the bank and/or set off any credit balance in any of your accounts (or your joint accounts with other person(s)) against any outstanding balances and terminate Investment Plus services.
  • Credit line up to 83.33% of the total eligible pledged collaterals1 value in your Currency Manager Account
  • Leverage up to 5 times of your initial funds
  • Invest the additional capital from the credit line in Premium Account and/or foreign exchange investment for higher potential returns, but the risk of leveraged investment can be substantial
  • A revolving loan facility that allows you to withdraw and repay the loan anytime within office hours through our staffs or our FX Trading Platform
  • Flexible choice of 9 major loan currencies

Click here for Key Facts Statements of Treasury Plus

Click here for latest Risk Disclosure for Portfolio Financing services

Eligible pledged collaterals include the total available deposit and investment in designated currencies (Time Deposit, Call Deposit and/ or Premium Account) in Currency Manager Account excluding "In-trust-for" Account Deposit, Hold-deposit, Pledged-deposit, Gold Manager, Gold Premium Investment, RMB Deposit, Market Linked Account and MaxiSavings.

Important Information

  1. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Treasury Plus unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
  2. Treasury Plus involves leveraged investment and is subject to a number of risks.
  3. Leveraged investments carry a high degree of risk in which a relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have invested or will have to invest. An investor may sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited to maintain his/her position. If the market moves against his/her position or margin requirements are increased, an investor may be called upon to pay substantial additional funds at short notice to maintain his/her position.
  4. Premium Account is not a bank deposit and involves risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Please refer to relevant brochures for the details and risks involved for Premium Account.
  5. Investors should not rely on this document/content of this leaflet alone to make investment decisions. They should also read other relevant documents for details including the risk factors. If you have any enquiries, please seek independent professional advice prior to subscription.
  6. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  7. Investor's investments are subject to the insolvency and credit risk of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"). There is no assurance of protection against a default by the Bank in respect of payment obligation. In case of insolvency of the Bank, you may lose your entire investment irrespective of the performance of the foreign currency market, the terms of the Premium Account and Treasury Plus.
  8. This material is issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, a licensed bank regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Important Disclaimer

  1. The tenor of the Treasury Plus and the Premium Account are different. The Bank only offers overnight tenor for Treasury Plus. The interest rates for loan may vary daily without notice, customers' interest costs may therefore also vary. This may affect the net return on investments. Customers can inquire latest interest rate by calling the Bank's hotline or website.
  2. The loan interest of Treasury Plus will be debited to respective loan accounts on the last calendar day of each month. If the last calendar day is not a bank business day, interest will be debited on the first succeeding business day (includes interest incurred in-between).
  3. Customers' loan currencies in Treasury Plus can be different from investment currencies in Premium Account. In such a case for Treasury Plus, customer will be subject to more significant currency risk.
  4. Foreign exchange rate fluctuation of the collateral currencies may reduce collateral value and may induce margin call and/or forced sell.
  5. Unless after liquidation the outstanding position will not reach any margin call and forced sell level, customer-initiated liquidation of thepledged product will not be permitted if the liquidation proceeds are not for loan repayment.
  6. Investment products are not eligible for U.S. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions.
  7. The facility is subject to our annual review whereupon we will re-assess based on our annual review criteria (as determined by us from time to time) which may include, but are not limited to: your (a) credit history, (b) bankruptcy check, (c) net worth and (d) customer segment (Citigold or Citigold Private Client). You may be required to provide additional information or documentary proof upon request. We may renew the Facility (with the same of different Facility Limit and on the same or different terms) or terminate the Facility.
  8. The bank reserves the rights to liquidate any or all of the eligible deposit or collateral held with the bank and/or set off any credit balance in any of your accounts (or your joint accounts with other person(s)) against any outstanding balances and terminate Treasury Plus services.
  • Up to 9 times leverage of total deposit (starting from 30 September, 2023)
  • 8 major currency choices: USD, AUD, CAD, CHF, NZD, JPY, EUR and GBP, with 56 cross currency combinations
  • 5 x 24 which offers the greatest flexibility regardless of bank working hours

Click here for Key Facts Statements of Foreign Exchange Margin Trading

Click here for latest Risk Disclosure for Portfolio Financing services

Important Information

  1. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Foreign Exchange Margin("FXM") unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Your intermediary is under a duty to ensure that you fully understand the nature and risks of the FXM, and that you have sufficient net worth to be able to assume the risks and bear the potential losses of investing in the product.
  2. Investor's investments are subject to the insolvency and credit risk of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"). This product is not an obligation nor guaranteed by Citigroup. There is no assurance of protection against a default by the Bank in respect of payment obligation. In case of insolvency of the Bank, investor may lose the entire investment irrespective of the performance of the foreign currency market.
  3. FXM is not bank deposit and shall not be regarded as a substitute for time deposit. Investment involves risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested as well as any additional funds deposited with or called by the Bank.
  4. Leveraged transactions carry a high degree of risk. The amount of initial margin is small relative to the value of FXM transaction so that the transactions are "leveraged" or "geared". A relatively small market movement will have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited or will have to deposit. Investor may sustain total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds deposited with the Bank to maintain position(s). If the market moves against investor's position or margin requirements are increased, investor may be called upon to pay substantial funds on short notice to maintain position(s). If investor fails to comply with request for additional funds within the time prescribed, investor's position(s) may be liquidated at a loss and investor will be liable for any resulting deficit.
  5. Placing contingent orders such as 'stop-loss' or 'stop-limit' orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders.
  6. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
  7. Investors should not rely on the content of this website alone to make investment decisions. They should also read other relevant documents for details including the risk factors. If you have any inquiries, please seek independent professional advice prior to subscription.
  8. This material is issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, a licensed bank regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Important Disclaimer

  1. The risk of loss in foreign exchange margin trading can be substantial. Investors may sustain losses in excess of their original margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. Investors may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, their position will be liquidated. Investors will remain liable for any resulting deficit in their account.
  2. Investors may therefore wish to seek independent advice before making a commitment to enter into foreign exchange margin trading. In the event that investors choose not to seek independent advice, they should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in the light of their own investment objectives, financial position and risk profile. Investors should also carefully read the relevant Terms and Conditions. US Persons are not eligible for foreign exchange margin trading account opening and trading.
  3. The facility is subject to our annual review whereupon we will re-assess based on our annual review criteria (as determined by us from time to time) which may include, but are not limited to: your (a) credit history, (b) bankruptcy check, (c) net worth and (d) customer segment (Citigold or Citigold Private Client). You may be required to provide additional information or documentary proof upon request. We may renew the Facility (with the same of different Facility Limit and on the same or different terms) or terminate the Facility.
  4. The bank reserves the rights to liquidate any or all of the eligible deposit or collateral held with the bank and/or set off any credit balance in any of your accounts (or your joint accounts with other person(s)) against any outstanding balances and terminate Foreign Exchange Margin Trading services.
  • Additional choice of payment option for premium payment for designated life insurance product
  • Maximum tenor up to 25 years

Click here for Key Facts Statement for Premium Financing – Secured by Insurance (Principal + Interest Option)

Click here for Key Facts Statement for Premium Financing – Secured by Insurance (Interest Only Option)

Click here for latest Risk Disclosure for Premium Financing services

Important Information

  1. Buying a life insurance policy can be a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable may be less than the total premiums paid.
  2. Non-guaranteed benefits (if any), including where applicable, any bonuses or dividends, projected investment rate of returns or crediting interest rates, are subject to change and are not guaranteed. If the value of the life policy becomes insufficient to cover all the ongoing charges including cost of insurance and administration charges, the policy may lapse and you could lose all the premiums paid and life protection. Please note that in such situations it is possible that additional premiums may have to be paid to keep the policy alive.
  3. For US-dollar denominated insurance plans, premiums and benefits are payable in US dollars. Any exchange rate fluctuation will have a direct impact on the amount of premium required and the value of your benefit(s) in Hong Kong dollar terms.
  4. Notwithstanding anything here, Citibank can recall the Facility at any time including but not limited to the following scenarios:

    • Missing a payment due on the outstanding loan
    • Downgrading of credit rating/ financial strength rating of AIA
    • Unsatisfactory credit review on yourself (to be conducted periodically, at least on an annual basis) whereby Citibank may reassess applicant's financial and credit position.

    This means:

    • Applicants have to repay the entire loan amount in one lump-sum or amortized over a period, as decided by Citibank.
    • Should applicant need to surrender your policy, he/she will lose the insurance coverage and may not be able to obtain the same insurance coverage at the same cost or if there are changes to applicant's health conditions.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Premium Financing is a secured loan facility which is a leveraged product with associated risks in the Risk Disclosure Statement, Terms and Conditions for Accounts and Services and the Deed of Assignment.
  2. The Facility is uncommitted, and is repayable. The Bank may from time to time in our absolute discretion review, reduce, restructure, withdraw and/or cancel any or all of the Facility by prior notice (without assigning any reasons whatsoever). Nothing contained here, at law or in equity to extend or continue to extend the Facility to you.
  3. The Bank can from time to time make credit enquiry on applicants with any credit reference agency and submit the relevant data in connection with the applicants and the Facility to such credit reference agency for the purpose of assessing, processing, evaluating and/or approving the Facility to the applicants.

Retirement and protection plan

At every stage of your life, our legacy and insurance plans safeguard what's important to you.
  • Guaranteed cash value as well as non-guaranteed annual dividends and non-guaranteed terminal dividend
  • Flexible income period to support your future plans
  • If the insured person passes away, the beneficiary can inherit the death benefit of insurance policy

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited - Important notes from the insurance agent:

  1. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited being registered with the Insurance Agents Registration Board established by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, acts as an appointed insurance agent for AIA International Limited (the "Insurance Company").
  2. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited's role is limited to introducing the insurance product only and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be responsible for any matters in relation to the products provided.
  3. Insurance products are products and obligations of the Insurance Company and not of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. Insurance products are not bank deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or any local governmental agency.
  4. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between you and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited out of the selling process of any insurance product by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited as agent for Insurance Company or the processing of the related transaction, you will enter into a financial dispute resolution scheme process with Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited in accordance with the applicable rules. However any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly you and Insurance Company.
  5. All insurance applications are subject to the Insurance Company's underwriting and acceptance.
  6. The Insurance Company is solely responsible for all approvals, coverage and compensations of their insurance plans.
  7. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is not rendering legal, accounting or tax advice. You are advised to check with your personal tax advisor for advice relevant to your circumstances.
  8. You are reminded to review the relevant product materials provided to you and seek independent advice if necessary.
  9. For any policy service enquiries, please call your bank financial consultant or contact the Insurance Company.
  10. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this website, the English version shall prevail.
  • Extensive coverage for hospitalization and surgeries, outpatient consultations and dental treatment
  • Lifetime guaranteed renewal^
  • Cover for some of the major illnesses and early-stage critical illnesses

^ May vary for products. Please refer to the respective product brochure and Policy Provision for detailed features.

Passing on your wealth

What you have achieved did not come easy, so it's only natural that you want to pass on the fruits of your hard work to your next generation.
  • Allocates the legacy funds to beneficiaries according to your wishes via life insurance
  • Claiming the insurance proceeds does not need to go through the probate regulatory application process
  • Insurance tools to manage the legacy funds, efficiently manage your retirement reserve, offering protection to your family and growing your assets

Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited - Important notes from the insurance agent:

  1. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited being registered with the Insurance Agents Registration Board established by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, acts as an appointed insurance agent for AIA International Limited (the "Insurance Company").
  2. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited's role is limited to introducing the insurance product only and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited shall not be responsible for any matters in relation to the products provided.
  3. Insurance products are products and obligations of the Insurance Company and not of Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. Insurance products are not bank deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or insured by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited, Citibank, N.A., Citigroup Inc. or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or any local governmental agency.
  4. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between you and Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited out of the selling process of any insurance product by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited as agent for Insurance Company or the processing of the related transaction, you will enter into a financial dispute resolution scheme process with Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited in accordance with the applicable rules. However any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved between directly you and Insurance Company.
  5. All insurance applications are subject to the Insurance Company's underwriting and acceptance.
  6. The Insurance Company is solely responsible for all approvals, coverage and compensations of their insurance plans.
  7. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited is not rendering legal, accounting or tax advice. You are advised to check with your personal tax advisor for advice relevant to your circumstances.
  8. You are reminded to review the relevant product materials provided to you and seek independent advice if necessary.
  9. For any policy service enquiries, please call your bank financial consultant or contact the Insurance Company.
  10. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this website, the English version shall prevail.