
Stock Market

This section allows you to grasp every opportunity presented in stock markets
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Indices & Stock Quote
Information provided by AASTOCKS Disclaimer

Citibank® Online Market Insight facilitates you in exploring market opportunities and making effective investment decisions. It provides an integrated online financial channel including video commentaries, quick access of real-time market data (market indices, stock quotes, foreign exchange rates), financial news, market analysis and award-winning research commentaries in an enhanced user interface namely "Today's Focus" with daily outlook and investment focus, "Market Overview" on insightful market analysis and media articles, "Foreign Exchange" with holistic FX commentaries and analysis, and "Investment Ideas" with comprehensive information for mutual funds, structured products and bonds.

We invite you to learn more about our Market Insight now to find out smarter ways to make investment decisions and stay ahead of the market.

  1. "Citi Investment Research & Analysis" (CIRA), the award winning research team, was ranked no. 1 Best Research House in Asia by Institutional Investor in 2008 & 2009 and no. 2 in 2010, 2012 & 2013.
  2. Citibank® Online received the recognition of "Best Online Banking" in 12th Capital Outstanding Enterprise Awards. It was also awarded the outstanding achiever of "Best in Online Usability" in the BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards 2011.
  3. The price shown is for reference only and may not reflect the latest market price.
  4. The brackets are the exchange rates in terms of Hong Kong dollar, with HKD $7.76 exchange rate for reference, and 1,000 yen per unit for JPY/HKD.
  5. Video Commentaries are available in Cantonese only. To view the video, please install the latest Flash Player.
  6. Notes for Time Deposit and Premium Account rates:

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