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HK$1,500,000 or above

Citi Plus
  • No minimum deposit requirement

Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application
Apply online and no need to visit branch

HK$1,500,000 or above

Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application

Citi Plus
  • No minimum deposit requirement

Apply onlineno need to visit branch

Manage your deposits in a convenient way.

Foreign Currency Exchange Display

With Citibank, open a Currency Manager Account, a multifunctional multi-currency account and manage it conveniently. It offers services such as Foreign Exchange Trading, Call Deposit (a multi-currency deposit account), and Time Deposit. Enjoy the features of Citi Currency Manager Account by applying online today.


You can apply online or give us a call through our Application Hotline: (852) 2860 0234(852) 2860 0234

Call Deposit


  • Call Deposit (multi-currency deposit account) allows you to retain flexibility with up to 14 different currencies by simply opening a Currency Manager Account

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The table below shows the list of currencies that are available with the Call Deposit service offered by an all-inclusive Currency Manager Account.

Currencies available with Call Deposit
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) Swiss Franc (CHF) Singapore Dollar (SGD)
US Dollar (USD) Australian Dollar (AUD) Swedish Krone (SEK)
British Pound (GBP) Canadian Dollar (CAD) Danish Krone (DKK)
Japanese Yen (JPY) New Zealand Dollar (NZD) Renminbi (RMB)
Euro (EUR) Thai Baht (THB)
Time Deposit


  • Choose from 11 different world leading currencies.
  • Select from a wide range of tenors, from 1 week to 12 months.
  • Enjoy preferential time deposit rates through online booking.

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The table below shows the list of currencies that are available with the Time Deposit service offered by an all-inclusive Currency Manager Account.

Currencies Available
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) Swiss Franc (CHF) Singapore Dollar (SGD)
US Dollar (USD) Australian Dollar (AUD) Renminibi (RMB)
British Pound (GBP) Canadian Dollar (CAD) Euro (EUR)
Japanese Yen (JPY) New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
Foreign Exchange Trading

Using Foreign Exchange (FX) Services1 not only diversify your portfolio risk, but also maintain the liquidity of your capital based on your own needs.


  • Help you capture the potential capital appreciation of foreign currencies
  • Offer up to 12 currency choices: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, RMB, SGD, THB, USD
  • Provide 24-hour Order Watching Services on Foreign Currency Transactions2

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To allow you enjoy total peace of mind in trading foreign currencies, Citibank provides you with the 24-hour Order Watching Service on Foreign Currency Transactions. Simply set up your order and we will buy or sell your designated currency automatically when the pre-set criteria are reached.

Order Types

  • "Normal" Order

    Allows you to trade currencies at your designated exchange rate.

  • "Stop Limit" Order

    Enables you to buy or sell currencies when the market prices rise above or fall below a specified price.

  • "If Done Order", "One-Cancel-the-Other (OCO) Order" and "If Done One-Cancel-the-Other (If Done OCO) Order"

    Allows you to set two criteria to capture the potential capital appreciation of FX market.

Currency Choices

  • 10 Major Currencies



What is call deposit?

Call deposit is a type of multi-currency savings account, which allows you to retain flexibility with up to 14 different currencies. Convenient in multi-currency management and trading.

What is time deposit?

Time deposit is a type of savings account, which you can set up to enhance your savings. It lets you earn a fixed rate of interest until it matures. It comes with benefits such as assured returns, flexible tenure, wide choice of currencies, and flexible renewal instructions.

How to book a time deposit account with Citibank?

You can easily book a time deposit account with Citibank without visiting any branch. You can do so by using the Citi Mobile App. The App also lets you enjoy personalized interest rates.

Where can I access FX Order Watching Service?

You can access FX Order Watching Service via the Citi Mobile App or through Citibank Online Banking. Once you set it up, we will conduct a 24-hour buy/sell of your designated currency, when the pre-set criteria are reached. Check this link  to know more.

What is the Interest & Foreign Exchange Rates of the Day?

You can check the Citi website  to get the latest and accurate Interest and Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates. You can check the rates and apply for a multi-currency account as per your requirements.

Click here for the Currency Manager guide

  • A man dropping a coin into a money box


  • The minimum transaction amount for FX Order Watching Service is HKD 5,000 or equivalent. The bank may follow market practice and conditions and conduct transactions with customer on any foreign exchange contract in a manner acceptable to the Bank.
  • Thai Baht (THB) are not supported by FX Order Watching Service.

Important Notice:Important Notice:

  • Foreign exchange trading

    Foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. Investors may experience a loss when they convert foreign currency back to their home currency. Investors should therefore determine whether such foreign currency trading is suitable for them in the light of their own financial position, investment objectives and risk profile. Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions.

  • Time deposit

    All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate would depend on the deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date.

    All interest rates are subject to change according to market fluctuations without prior notice.

    Foreign currency time deposit is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may provide both opportunities and risks. Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions.

  • All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate would depend on the deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. All interest rates are subject to change according to market fluctuations without prior notice. Foreign currency time deposit is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may provide both opportunities and risks. Products might only be applicable to limited jurisdictions.