HK$1,500,000 or above

Citi Priority
  • • HK$500,000 or above, or
  • • HK$200,000 with HK$50,000
    monthly salary deposit*

Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application
Apply online (around 8 minutes) and shortens your account opening time at the branch

HK$1,500,000 or above

Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application

Citi Priority
  • • HK$500,000 or above, or
  • • HK$200,000 with HK$50,000
    monthly salary deposit*

Apply online (around 8 minutes) and shortens your account opening time at the branch

Give you the most
updated rates.

Citibank Interest and foreign exchange rates

You can have the most up-to-date and accurate Interest and Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates from our website.

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Login Citibank Online to book a Time Deposit

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Login Citibank Online to book a Time Deposit


Prime Rate :


Prime Rate

HKD 5.50% p.a.
USD 7.50% p.a.

Savings Rate :


Savings Rate

HKD 0.25% p.a.
USD 0.001% p.a.
RMB 0.25% p.a.

Highest Time Deposit Rate:


Indicative Premium Account* Rate:


Preferential Premium Account Interest Rate

USD/AUD 12.00% p.a.
USD/GBP 10.00% p.a.

Click here for the latest Interest Rate information.


Premium Account is not equivalent to time deposit.
Interest rates for HKD, RMB, GBP and SGD are calculated on the basis of a 365 day year (both 365 day year and leap year). Any other currencies, we calculate interest on the basis of a 360 day year.

General Terms and Conditions for Time Deposit : General Terms and Conditions for Time Deposit :

Terms and Conditions for “Time Deposit offer for New-to-bank clients”:

  • The following HKD/USD/RMB Time Deposit Offers (“Time Deposit Reward”) are applicable to New-to-bank Citigold Private Clients or Citigold Clients (i.e. clients who currently do not hold any Citibank banking account or have cancelled any Citibank banking account in the past 12 months) (collectively referred to as “Clients”) who set up a HKD/USD/RMB 3-month time deposit with new funds between the designated range and fulfill the following requirements:
      a. Must also apply for the Integrated Wealth Management Service which includes Mutual Fund, Fund Select Savings Plan, Bonds Brokerage Service, Structured Investment Product, Hong Kong Securities Service, US Securities Service, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect – Shanghai Securities Services, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect – Shenzhen Securities Services Market Linked Account, Premium Account and their associated settlement accounts;
      b. With an eligible investment/insurance balance which is equal to or more than HK$78,000 or equivalent at the point of time deposit is set up.
  • Currency New to Bank Time Deposit Reward(if fulfilling requirements a & b) Time Deposit Reward(if fulfilling requirement a only) New Funds Range
    HKD Citigold Private Client 4.0% p.a. 3.8% p.a. HK$50,000 to HK$8,000,000 equivalent
    Citigold Client 3.7% p.a. 3.5% p.a. HK$50,000 to HK$2,000,000 equivalent
    USD Citigold Private Client 4.3% p.a. 4.1% p.a. HK$50,000 to HK$8,000,000 equivalent
    Citigold Client 4.2% p.a. 4.0% p.a. HK$50,000 to HK$2,000,000 equivalent
    RMB Citigold Private Client 2.0% p.a. 1.8% p.a. HK$50,000 to HK$8,000,000 equivalent
    Citigold Client HK$50,000 to HK$2,000,000 equivalent

  • The aggregate principal amount of time deposit set up is capped at HK$8,000,000 equivalent for Citigold Private Clients and HK$2,000,000 equivalent for Citigold clients
  • The time deposit must be set up within 3 months from the date of Citibank banking account opening and fulfilling the above clauses.
  • New funds are defined as the new-to-bank funds incremental to the latest total account balance compared to the Average Daily Combined Balance of the previous month. Funds transferred from other Citibank banking accounts will not be eligible. The Average Daily Combined Balance is calculated based on the sum of your daily balances of deposit, investment and accumulated paid premium of selected insurance products of all your single named account(s) and joint name account(s), divided by the number of days in the month.
  • The Time Deposit Reward is not applicable to time deposits set up via online or mobile channel.
  • Clients are required to call their relationship manager(s) to register in order to enjoy the Time Deposit Reward.
  • The Time Deposit Reward is not applicable to U.S. Persons.
  • All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rate would depend on the terms and conditions of the promotion offers, deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. All interest rates are subject to change due to market fluctuations without prior notice. The Time Deposit Reward is subject to quota availability and will be offered on first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Once the Time Deposit Reward has been selected and accepted by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Bank”), no cancellation or change can be made.
  • All disputes are subject to the final decision of the Bank, which reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
  • In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the content, the English version shall prevail.

Remarks for Time Deposit and Premium Account rates:Remarks for Time Deposit and Premium Account rates:

  • All interest rates are annualized interest rates that are for reference only and are not guaranteed. The actual time deposit interest rates would depend on the terms and conditions of the promotion offers, deposit amount, currency, tenor and interest rate on the value date. All interest rates are subject to change due to market fluctuations without prior notice. Foreign currency time deposit is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which may provide both opportunities and risks. Please contact 24-Hour CitiPhone Banking at (852) 2860 0333 for details.
  • The above Premium Account (PA) Interest Rate is for reference only. PA interest rate is formulated based on a number of factors. This information does not constitute any offer or solicitation to buy or sell. A Premium Account is a structured investment. Investment involves risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Please refer to the relevant terms and conditions and Important Disclaimer.
  • Investment products are not available for U.S. persons and might only be applicable to limited jurisdiction.