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1. Assuming that the insured is a man aged 18 years old, who is insured with the AIA Voluntary Medical Insurance Standard Plan, the first policy year annual premium is HK$1,734.40. Online insurance is only applicable to 18 years old or above
2. You can make claims up to the annual benefit limit of HK$420,000. This limit replenishes each policy year.

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Terms and Conditions apply
Group medical protection may not be able to cover employees medical expenses in full
According to statistics from the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers in 2017, reimbursement by the group medical insurance is about 70%. In other words, employees will need to pay the remaining 30% of the medical expenses out of their own pockets.3
VHIS Standard Plan with no lifetime benefit limit4 can help you cope with the high medical costs of cancer treatment and even rehabilitation
The average cost of a 5-year cancer rehabilitation period after common cancer treatment is about HK$530,000.5 VHIS Standard Scheme with annual benefit limit of HKD$420,000 can help you get the continuous treatment you need.
The deduction ceiling per
insured person per year
If you take up AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme for yourself, your spouse, your son and your mother as an example (i.e. four insured persons) and pay the required premiums in the same taxable year, the annual tax deduction amount for you would be up to HKD32,000 (i.e. HKD8,000 x 4).
3. Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, Medical Claims Statistics 2017.
4. You can make claims up to the annual benefit limit of HKD420,000. This limit replenishes each policy year.
5. The above-mentioned common cancers include the average treatment cost of colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer during a 5-year rehabilitation period. Colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer are the most common cancers in 2016 (Source: Hospital Authority website, Hong Kong Cancer Data Statistics Centre 2016 data). Source: Union Hospital Fee Schedule (updated on January 15, 2018), Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital Fee Schedule (updated on August 1, 2018), Hong Kong Breast Cancer And Disease Centre and Cancer Fund and media reports. The information was based on the research in critical illnesses and medical expenses in Hong Kong (data collected in December 2018) conducted by GfK, an independent market research company appointed by AIA. The above information was gathered from external sources on a general basis and is for reference only.
6. AIA and its intermediaries do not provide tax advice, for details on tax deductions, please visit www.vhis.gov.hk, www.ia.org.hk or www.ird.gov.hk and consult your own tax and accounting advisors for tax advice.

(The following example is hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. If there are any changes in the values, no separate announcement will be made.)

Jonathan believes health is the most valuable asset. He wants protection for his family and himself against the financial difficulties when something unpredictable happens. He purchases AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme for himself, his wife and his daughter.

AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme offers essential medical protection at an affordable premium with flexibility to complement his employer’s group medical plan and reduce the financial impact.

Insured person’s age at policy application

Purchasing AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme

Enjoying both medical protection and applying for tax deductions
Jonathan has symptoms that might be from colon cancer, he is recommended for diagnostic tests.

Unfortunately, Jonathan is diagnosed with colon cancer. He is recommended for a partial laparoscopic colectomy. After surgery, Jonathan continues to receive non-surgical cancer treatments for recovery.

Estimated colon cancer diagnosis and treatment cost:
Room and board: HKD$10,500
Surgeon’s fee
(category: complex),
anaesthetist’s fee and
operating theatre charges:
Prescribed diagnostic
imaging tests^:
Prescribed non-surgical
cancer treatments:
Miscellaneous charges: HKD$31,588
Total fees: HKD$246,908

With AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme, the claimable amount is HKD210,140, protecting Jonathan against financial burdens. Jonathan only has to pay a non-claimable amount of HKD36,768 .
Jonathan continues to receive non-surgical cancer treatment and is fully recovered.

Estimated cost:
non-surgical cancer
outpatient care:
Total fees: HKD$82,740

With AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme,
total claimable amount is HKD76,740,
Jonathan is well protected on the road to recovery.

Note: Case assumption - Policy anniversary date and date of birth of insured person is 1st January

  • With AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme, Jonathan may choose to access private healthcare services for essential medical needs.
  • Prescribed non-surgical cancer treatments claim is based on per policy year, Jonathan can continue to receive treatment to ensure his peace of mind.
^ Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests are subject to 30% coinsurance.
Source of Information: The information is extracted from AIA’s research of critical illnesses and medical expenses by GfK Hong Kong, an independent market research company. (Dated March 2019) - Fees and charges from the Union Hospital, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital, St.Teresa’s Hospital, Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas), press release from the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong Cancer Fund, ESDlife, and Hong Kong Education City Limited.

You should read the product brochure and other product documents and understand the product's features and risks before proceeding with the application.



AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Scheme Benefit

Guaranteed renewal up to age 100

Cover on unknown pre-existing conditions

Up to HKD$ 420,000 annual benefit limit. This limit replenishes each policy year

No-claim discount up to 15%

Enjoy a tax deduction benefit
Benefit item Benefit Limit (HKD)
Room and board (per day) $750(Maximum 180 days per policy year)
Miscellaneous charges (per policy year) $14,000
Attending doctor's visit fee (per day) $750(Maximum 180 days per policy year)
Specialist's fee (per policy year) $4,300
Intensive care (per day) $3,500(Maximum 25 days per policy year)
Surgeon's fee (per surgery)
subject to surgical category for the surgery/ procedure in the Schedule of Surgical Procedures
Complex $50,000
Major $25,000
Intermediate $12,500
Minor $5,000
Anaesthetist's fee 35% of surgeon's fee payable
Operating theatre charges 35% of surgeon's fee payable
prescribed diagnostic imaging tests (per policy year) $20,000
subject to 30% coinsurance
Prescribed non-surgical cancer treatments (per policy year) $80,000
Pre- and post-confinement/day case procedure outpatient care (per visit) $580
up to HKD3,000 per policy year
Psychiatric treatments (per policy year) $30,000

You should read the product brochure and other product documents and understand the product's features and risks before proceeding with the application.

For details, please refer to the product brochure, product provision and terms and conditions of Credit Facility Services.
The product information in this material does not contain the full terms of the product, for the details of the product features, terms and conditions, exclusions and key product risks, you may refer to the product brochure and policy contract of relevant products. In case you want to read policy contract sample before making an application, you can obtain a copy from AIA.
This plan can be only purchased through Citibank online as a basic plan.

Beside Standard scheme, AIA also provides you with a more comprehensive plan to protect you. The AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Prime Scheme allows you to enjoy superb medical cover throughout Asia with lifetime guaranteed renewal. Enjoy full reimbursement with no itemized benefit sublimit for major medical expenses, hospital stays in a semi-private room and extended caring protection.

Higher benefit limit
3 annual deductible choices to suit your personal medical needs