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Common questions

If you have updated your iPhone to iOS 13 and experienced issues when using Citi Mobile App, please download/update the latest version of the app (version 7.1.5) from the App Store.

If you use iPhone 5C or older device, you are not able to access our App, but you can manage your account by logging on to via your mobile browser. Sorry for any inconvenience.

To transfer funds from other banks to your Citibank account, you need to provide the information below to the sending bank:

Transfer from other local banks

  • Bank code: 250
  • Branch code: 390*
  • Your bank account number “(8 digits)”

Note: Some banks may only ask you to provide bank code and account number. The “account number” they refer to is the combination of branch code and your bank account number (i.e. 390XXXXXXXX).

Transfer from other overseas bank by Telegraphic Transfer

  • Bank Name: Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Bank Address: Citi Tower, 83 Hoi Bun Road, One Bay East
  • Bank code: 250
  • Branch code: 390*
  • Full name of your Citi account
  • Your Bank account number (8 digits)
  • Your address (if needed)

*If you are a Citibank N.A. customer, please use Branch Code 790 and SWIFT Code “CITIHKAXIPB”.

Note: Some banks may ask you to provide additional information (e.g. BSB code, Sort code, etc), depending on the type of currency you transfer. Please provide the information below where necessary:

Currency Correspondent Bank SWIFT Code Account Number
USD Citibank New York CITIUS33 10990845
(Routing/ABA Number: 021000089)
AUD Citibank Sydney, Australia CITIAU2X 912018-008
CAD Citibank N.A. Canadian Branch CITICATTBCH 2070094005
CHF Citibank London CITIGB2L 10570281
CNY Bank of China Hong Kong BKCHHKHH838 012-875-60108481
EUR Citibank Dublin CITIIE2X IE91CITI99005123897008
GBP Citibank London CITIGB2L 600172
(Sort Code: 185008)
JPY Citibank Tokyo CITIJPJT 0201079403
NZD Citibank Auckland CITINZ2X 31-2840-0400188-10

Click here to find out more about fund transfers

You can find your bank account number on:

Your bank statement or

1. Sign in to Citi Mobile® App.
2. Select the bank account on the home screen.
3. You can view the account number at the top of the account details screen.

Citi Mobile® Token is a feature within the Citi Mobile App to generate a One-Time Password (OTP) in order to authenticate online and mobile transactions, replacing other methods such as physical Security Device or OTP via SMS. It does not require any internet connection to generate an OTP which is more convenient especially when you travel overseas.

To enable Citi Mobile Token, please tap the 'Profile' icon at top left > tap 'Manage Citi Mobile Token'. If you don't have a bank account, please tap 'Settings' icon at bottom right > tap 'Set up Citi Mobile Token'.

To generate an OTP, simply tap on 'Citi Mobile Token' icon on the login screen of the mobile app, input your 6-digit Unlock code and the OTP will be displayed.

Click here to find out more.

If you can’t log in to the app or online banking it may be because your online account is locked. You can unlock it by resetting your online password via Citi Mobile App or desktop/laptop computer.

Via Citi Mobile App

  • Tap ‘Forgot?’ on the password bar
  • Input your ATM card & ATM PIN or Credit Card number & CVV2 & Date of birth
  • Enter the One-time Password from SMS
  • Create a new password

Via Desktop/laptop computer

  • Click here to start
  • Input your ATM card & ATM PIN or Credit Card number & CVV2 & Date of birth
  • Enter the One-time Password from SMS
  • Create a new password

We suggest you to register via Citibank Online for Cash Payout Scheme, fast and convenient.

See all other FAQs

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us.

CitiPhone Banking Hotline (Banking* and Card Services) 2860 03332860 0333
24-hour Citigold Hotline 2860 01112860 0111
24-hour Citigold Private Client Service Line 2860 88882860 8888

* Effective January 21, 2018 , the manned service hours of CitiPhone Banking Hotline for Citibanking services will be revised to 8am – 8pm, Monday to Sunday.

Service Mailing Address
Banking Service Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
P.O. Box 62171
Kwun Tong Post Office
Hong Kong
Remittance Service Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
Remittance Department / Payment Operations
10/F Citi Tower, One Bay East
83 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Credit Cards Service Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
G.P.O. Box 3463
Hong Kong
  • Time Deposit Offer. Deposit funds to enjoy preferential interest rates
  • “Dial-a-Check” Installment Program - Monthly Flat Rate as low as 0.10%