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Awarding yourself a special “pay rise”
of Up to HK$1,200!

How to get the most from your salary? Simply register the offer at the designated link in SMS and deposit monthly salary into the Step-Up Interest Account via standing instructions or autopay service at least 3 times to get the below cash rebates:

Up to


cash rebate


by depositing your monthly salary

Monthly amount in new funds (HK$)
Cash rebate (HK$)
$80,000 or above
$50,000 - $79,999
$30,000 - $49,999
$15,000 - $29,999
^ Only applicable to selected clients who have received the promotional SMS. Please register and deposit the salary before the designated dates. Click here for more details.
# The Cash Rebate will be credited to eligible Clients’ accounts in 5 months after the Clients have fulfilled the requirements as specified above and on Terms and Conditions.

Tips: Three ways to bring in new funds


Complete the Payroll Transfer Request Form and submit it to your company's HR department


Set Up Standing Instruction Online

Set up in your other bank

(Not applicable to all banks)

Set Up Standing Instruction Via Branch

If your other bank does not support standing instructions online, please go to their branch to apply by filling in the forms


Please log on to the online banking of your Other Bank, follow below steps to set up the Standing Instruction:

The screens and figures above are for reference only.
After login, select Transfers
Click Select Bank and use the following account details
  • Bank Code: 250
  • Branch Code: 390
  • Account Number: Your Step-Up Interest Account Number
    ▶ Forget Account Number
Tick Add to My Payees
Enter an Amount to transfer
For the Date, select Recurring
Select Monthly and Until Further Notice
Choose a starting date
Verify details and click Continue